Brazil Mata De Minas Pulped Natural (250g)

Brazil Mata De Minas Pulped Natural (250g)

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$18.50 USD
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$18.50 USD
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Grown in the Southwest region of Brazil, this coffee hosts a familiar flavor profile for the experienced drinker, and the new comers alike. Pulping the cherries before drying allows a more complex acidity to remain in a normally traditional flavor profile, which reflects the wonderful processing habits at origin.

In a cup, we taste flavors of baker's chocolate, orange, and candied almonds. We suggest, if possible, this coffee be made as an espresso. The sweetness we get from a fresh shot is impeccable, with a slight acidity to keep the drinker interested and craving more. We love how this coffee translates to a milk based beverage as well, making this a very versatile and enjoyable coffee for absolutely everyone who makes this coffee.

We know no matter how you decide to brew this coffee, you'll find this is an approachable, affordable, and accessible to absolutely everyone.